08 05 2020//

New Blender 3D image Data_scape-CV19 for ISOLATION – The London Group online exhibition during Covid-19 lockdown May 2020. Kindly curated and organised by Darren Nissbet LG.

Please see previous post for more info or use this link to view the exhibition, online until June 12th 2020:

‘My work often interacts with whatever is happening in 24/7 rolling news media. For this new image, Internet searches using keywords *Covid-19* and *Coronovirus* resulted in random visuals including; multiple styles of protective face masks; spikey, predatory-looking magnified virus structures; PPI; infographic curves & bar charts. Which are all used as displacement modifiers in Blender 3D to form ambiguous, complex structures/ textures as a continuation of recent DATA_SCAPE series of images’