
Title: E_Life
Duration: 00:05:31 [Excerpt duration: 00:03:35] 1920 x 1080 HD
Date: 2022
Audio: Yes

3D geometry is texture & bump-mapped with eclectic visuals such as; emoji, fragments borrowed from 24-hour online rolling news media and others downloaded via an online search engine. The complexity of these cultural remnants chimes with the saturation of images and information in our contemporary digital lives.

Generated, organic particle-systems appear to have a life of their own, interacting with forms that are ambiguous: hybrid organic-manufactured- Presenting traces of a simulated and imagined future/ possible nature.

Selected Screenings
Apr 2023 The London Group at Scarborough Old Parcels Office, Westborough, YO11 1TU

Mar 2023 The New Accelerator Ruskin Gallery, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge – Group exhibition co-curated by Saturation Point (Patrick Morrissey & Hanz Hancock), Laurence Noga and Benet Spencer

Nov 2022 Projected Topographies Saturation Point, Deptford SE8 Sandra Crisp, Jockel Liess & Susan Eyre (Film projection installation curated by Sandra Crisp)

Jul 2022 Catch Your Breath The London Group and Invited Artists, Morley Gallery, London SE1