Work in Progress: Waterside Commission – Kinetic Collage

January 19 2016//

On 13th January 2016 I visited Waterside Arts Centre, 1 Waterside, Sale M33 7ZF to complete research and development for a micro commission due to launch mid-February 2016.
The 10 Microcommissions were awarded to 10 artists via open submission process for Waterside’s 10th anniversary celebrations.

Waterside Arts Centre is a thriving and vibrant arts venue in the heart of Sale in Greater Manchester. Comprising a theatre, art galleries, studios and workspaces, the centre is an important regional hub for both performance and visual art.


At Waterside, I will be exhibiting code-based dynamic work from Kinetic Collage project (2015) on a 55″ display screen located in the foyer.

Although I have previously exhibited elements of Kinetic Collage project as screencast videos in Common Bodies, East Street Arts, Leeds, W.Yorkshire, June 2015, for example this will be the first opportunity I’ve had to show Kinetic Collage as intended – Processing sketches running in realtime. For this venue, the work will run on the 55″ screen located in Waterside’s foyer. I’m really looking forward to making this happen!

Sandra Crisp: ‘102_avatars’ Dynamic code-based work. Fragmented imagery, text and graphics recycled from Twitter rotate continually, one layer replaced by the next as avatars and tweets flicker across the screen.

As ever, when testing out digital files between different platforms, therewere a few glitches to begin with. But thanks to help from project organiser Mario Popham, we found a work-around to deal with file issues (mainly the usual Mac/ PC issues)  All the Processing ‘sketches’were eventually exported from Processing into standalone Java mini-programs, that may be easily launched from the desktop connected to the display screen.

Waterside, Arts Centre

I created 7 standalone exports so that a different work will berunning each day whilst the centre is open, forming a rotating exhibition that includes the majority of the works from the project, viewed over time. To accompany the display, I will also produce an image printed direct onto aluminium or perpex which will be located nearby in the foyer. I aam now keen to explore different forms of presentation media for static images of the work other than the usual inkjet print for display at Waterside, I hope to use perspex or amuminium which will visually lift and suspend the image in a similar way to how an onscreen image appears.

Kinetic Collage images HERE

Kinetic Collage screencasts HERE

Waterside Arts Centre