29 07 2021//
C_bloom/ d-loop mixed media 150 cm x 150 cm wall-based video installation with sound is currently upstairs in the AV room at The Cello Factory. The installation incorporates 2 recent videos projected onto constructed 3D forms throughout the space. Here, I’ve posted a very short clip and (below) a longer montage view from different perspectives showing ‘d-loop’, one of the installed works.
Multiple elongated-cube structures were constructed* using wood to form 3D frames, then sheer muslin was used to wrap the surfaces. These multiple forms, suspended upon the wall provide unique projection surfaces whilst mirroring the many dynamic cubes in the video, as if they are emerging from virtual space. Audio is formed from a mobile phone recording of busy open spaces during lockdown, adding a humanizing element to the abstract forms in perpetual spiraling motion.
*Thanks again to artist and curator Alex Hinks’ cube construction/ installation idea for the realisation of this piece in it’s new ‘off-the-screen’ appearance for Edge to Edge.
Exhibition continues 23 July 2021 – 31 July 2021 Open daily 12-4pm & by appointment; The Cello Factory, 33-34 Cornwall Road, London, SE1 8TJ

See 1920 x 1080 version of this video ‘d_loop_search (UK floods)’ HERE