Contribution to Sumi Perera’s collaborative projects

July 03 2014//

Delighted to be invited to contribute, alongside many other other artists to two of Sumi Perera‘s great collaborative print-based installation projects including ‘Collaborative Universal Artist Book Scroll’.

Universal Artist Book Scroll
A tribute to James Joyce & his collaborators
by  Sumi Perera & Company
SuperPress Editions

I had fun creating my contribution or ‘block’ for the project which had to completed quite rapidly by return of post to be included in a forthcoming exhibition in Cyprus…

The project will be installed at:

Hadjigeorgakis Kornesios Mansion, Nicosia, Cyprus
16th May-28th June 2014.

My mini-contribution can be seen in the photos below surrounded by various research sketches and scribblings in the form of digital drawings:

Sandra Crisp: Collage for ‘Collaborative Universal Artist Book Scroll’ project by Sumi Perera. Collage & inkjet on on colour montype using rubber stamps and collage derived from vector drawings

Collage on on colour montype using rubber stamps, inkjet and collage, Surrounded by digital vector drawings. Photo credit: Sumi Perera
Collage on on colour montype using rubber stamps and collage derived from vector drawings
UPDATE: Universal Artist’s Book Scroll (detail) by Sumi Perera RE ( exhibited at LOOP, Bankside Gallery, London
UPDATE: Thought I’d add this image which is a new collaboartive project by Sumi – Paper-cut over etching, utlising printouts of 3d models created for video ‘Tales From the City (1 minute)’

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