October 20 2015//
I’m really looking forward to working on a new microcommission for the Waterside Arts Centre Sale, Greater Manchester, UK taking place in January 2016. The microcommission will be part of a series of 4 different exhibitions by artists at Waterside between October 2015 and January 2016.
As part of Waterside Arts Centre’s 10th anniversary celebrations, we are pleased to announce a series of micro commissions designed to showcase the work of emerging artists working within two dimensional disciplines. Selected works will be presented via the Art Centre’s new 55 inch touch screen monitor whilst there will also be opportunities for utilising the wall and window space in and around the main foyer of the venue.
Waterside Arts Centre

The main part of my proposal use Waterside’s large 55″ touchscreen situated near the ticket office to display dynamic work/s from my Kinetic Collage project – Code-driven artworks created with Processing open source software 2014 – 2015 that layer and rotate fragmented images, text and graphics appropriated from Twitter profiles and timelines.
The large touchscreen will allow the large dynamic Processing sketches to run on the screen in a way which is not normally possible when the work is viewed on a much smaller domestic-size screen. Therefore, the commission offers a great opportunity to present the the work as it was originally intended in a busy public space.
The second part of the proposal proposes a print-based installation in the foyer, gallery or window/ entrance area of Waterside Arts Centre. The dimensions, structure and choice of various print media, such as paper or transparent film will result from a direct response to the building’s architecture. However, exact details won’t be finalised until after a site visit in Novemember 2015, so watch this space to see how the work develops…..

Video screencasts of dynamic programs running in Processing can be viewed HERE
More Info: Call Out to Artists: Waterside Micro-Commissions < Whats On | Waterside Arts Centre, Sale